The power of sound: unravelling how acoustic communication shapes group dynamics
Acoustic signalling is a key mode of communication owing to its instantaneousness and rapid turnover, its saliency and flexibility and its ability to function strategically in both short- and long-range contexts. Acoustic communication is closely intertwined with both collective behaviour and social network structure, as it can facilitate the coordination of collective decisions and behaviour, and play an important role in establishing, maintaining and modifying social relationships. These research topics have each been studied separately and represent three well-established research areas. Yet, despite the close connection of acoustic communication with collective behaviour and social networks in natural systems, only few studies have focused on their interaction. The aim of this theme issue is therefore to build a foundation for understanding how acoustic communication is linked to collective behaviour, on the one hand, and social network structure on the other, in non-human animals. Through the building of such a foundation, our hope is that new questions in new avenues of research will arise. Understanding the links between acoustic communication and social behaviour seems crucial for gaining a comprehensive understanding of sociality and social evolution. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The power of sound: unravelling how acoustic communication shapes group dynamics’.